The move over the summer did not exactly go without a hitch, but we have been in our new home in Charlotte, North Carolina for 8 months now. It is beginning to feel like home.
It is strange not being leadership in a church for the first time in 11 years. My husband's new job is being a Chaplain at a local hospice not a church Pastor. So it has been an adjustment in our ministry mindset. We had to do a little church shopping as well. It was very strange to walk into a church and not have any prep work or "work" to do for morning service. For myself this has been a wonderful change of the worship experience. The church that has become our new church home is much larger and has a contemporary worship band. It is hard not knowing many of the songs but we are learnng so pretty cool worship songs.
I am still searching for something. I can't quite explain what it is that I am looking for. I am waiting for the Lord to reveal the next ministry journey that he is taking me down. I am both scared and exciting for the many possiblities.
Until next time