I am the wife of the Pastor of a small church in a rural area. I am learning what that means every day. I will be posting my experience of being in the shadow of God's ministry through my husband, as I try to figure out God's call to me to serve him. We have two children...grade school age boys. I am also an aspiring writer.

Saturday, January 23, 2021
Day one
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Been about a year
So it is January 2021 - it has been about a year since my last blog post. What a year it has been. There is no going back over the year of 2020, it was rough. We have been able to find silver linings in the waiting for the global Pandemic of COVID 19 to stop shutting down the county, our state, our county, our country.
The Hubby and I are both working from home full time and right now both boys are remotely in school. Benji was in his self contained classroom for a couple of months at the end of the year. While I love the idea of working from home, the reality of working a telephonic job from home is that I am tethered to my desk 8 hours a day. My "office is in my bedroom because that is where I get the best wifi reception. That means that I am in my bedroom about 16 hours during the weekdays. Ugh!
I know that when I get back to the office I will have a nice large cubicle, a space that I have been waiting for my entire working life. I know that sounds funny, especially for a nurse but I have always wanted my own office space where I could help people, 9 to 5 and be able to go home and focus on my family. Of course making a good salary was apart of that. I am blessed to have found that job, I can't wait to get back to the office, see my co-workers and so how far I can rise up the corporate ladder. 😊
Now for my personal struggle with weight. It has been a struggle since I was 12 and now that I am 37 years older, I am ready to take this bull by the horns. I have made and appointment at a weight loss clinic that is covered by my insurance, physician-led and seems to have good reviews.
According to my calculations based on health BMI and age, I need to lose about 80 lbs in order to be in my ideal body weight. That type of weight loss takes resources that I have never been able to afford until now. What I know is, this is my last chance. If I can stick to this lifestyle, I have the greatest opportunity to loss that amount of weight. If I fail, the only other option is surgery and I don't want to do that. I have family who has, and it's not something that I want to do.
I have my first appointment on Saturday the 23rd. I will have a blood draw, physical exam and B6 and B12 injections. Then a high protein diet for a week before adding vegtables back in. At least the way understand it. They will supply supplements We will see how it goes.
I will update ya after my appointment.
The truth is that I can't do this by myself. I need someone to be accountable to, someone to help me fight the good fight.