Saturday, January 23, 2021

Day one

The New Year is starting with a new approach for creating healthy habits. I had my first appointment at a physician led weight loss facility. 
I had my weight taken along the a physical exam by a NP, blood work drawn, an EKG done and a through medical history. The counselor was through and the plan thus far is all nutrition related. Other then having several supplements to take, the rest of the plan is to put the body into ketosis. Unlike the Keto diet with is focused on Fat, this is focused on Protein. 
I feel optimistic about this plan. The weekly counseling will provide an individualized accountability that other plans haven't. My insurance is covering the plan. I am looking forward to getting education for being healthier.
This is my plan for 2021. To work on me.
I feel grateful to have the opportunity to try something new, every moring His mercies are new!
Until next time, be blessed.

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